Game On!

Welcome to Dread Unicorn Games. We hope you enjoy our games.

Dread Unicorn on the Move

Here's what we're working on now.

The Gods Have Spoken

Gods Have Spoken; Dread Unicorn GamesThe Gods Have Spoken is our focus right now. Alison has edited over half the manuscript, and I am inputting her changes. Once that's done, we'll move to layout. We'll add all the art, then do another round of edits. Then we'll ship PDFs, black and white softcover, and color hard cover. Once all the Kickstarter backers have their orders shipped, we'll make these available.

The Gray World

After early playtest feedback, we're trimming the adventure a bit, and giving advice on pacing. It's our intention that you can run this in one session, including as a convention game. We also have advice for those who want to expand it a bit and don't mind letting the fun continue past a single session.

The Gods and Icons Upgrade Pack

For those who don't know, this will be a PDF full of new art of the gods, new monsters tied to the gods, and other bits from The Gods Have Spoken that work in Gods and Icons.

I've been taking Matt Evert's 5E monsters from The Gods Have Spoken and creating 13th Age monsters out of them. I'm not trying to replicate each facet and wrinkle of the 5E versions, my goal is to hit the high points and make them fun 13th Age creatures. I'm not using an mechanical algorithm, I just pick a level and try to capture Matt's flavor.

Gods and Icons Fiction

Our last bit for the Gods and Icons kickstarter got bumped a bit. One writer had to bow out, but it's all written now. Two short stories by me (one of a wizard with a new, and unusual new servant, and one where two icons negotiate over the fate of a town tainted by hell) and an epic pirate poem by Connor Marvin. (Connor worked on Unholy Places and playable races in Gods and Icons and is nationally known in slam poetry.) We just need time to pass it through editorial and layout.

Gods and Icons PDFs on Indie Press Revolution

Indie Press Revolution; Dread Unicorn Games

We are working with our friends at Indie Press Revolution to put our Gods and Icons PDFs for sale on their store. They should be up soon.

More Card Decks

Icons & Conditions Tuck Box.inddIcons and Conditions is doing well, so we're looking at other card decks to help your game run smoother. We're looking at more 13th Age decks, at 5E decks, and Cypher System decks. Stay tuned!

The Sun Below: That's How the Light Gets In

At long last, we'll be returning to the land of The Sun Below, for the last in our trilogy of Numenera adventures. You've seen The City on the Edge, and the Sleeping Lady. Now see what happens to the lands below when the actual sun of the Sun Below starts to die?

Light Gets In is still in brainstorming mode, but one idea we like is not to have one big capstone ending, but three endings. With one ending, a published adventure can have lots of player options, but at some point, you have to get the players to that ending. This creates a funnel where all roads lead to the climax. At the climax, they win or lose, which gives you two possible endings.

We're going with three epic capstone endings. Depending on what your players are doing, what they want, and what seems fun to the GM, near the end of the adventure the party will head to one of the endings. And again, they can win or lose, but they'll be able to steer their path right up to what kind of climax they are going for.

Another idea is to use all original creatures, cyphers, artifacts, nothing from the Numenera core book. That way you can use the adventure as a source book for your own adventures.

Nothing is in stone yet.

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Icons and Condition Cards!